I loved the character of this girl. She gave me the impression that she was far wiser than her years. She was part of the wedding party and...(now I am just guessing at this part)... she was taking a break from it all with her Dad and sister. I really don't know if the man was her Uncle and if the girl was her cousin. It doesn't matter. It reminds me of being a girl...running around the cannons, and how good it felt on a "big" day in a fancy dress to suddenly not have to be so formal again.
5.9" x 5.9" / Oil on Panel / 15cm x 15cm

5.9" x 5.9" / Oil on Panel / 15cm x 15cm
Purchase of this daily painting may be done through contacting my email . Each daily painting is $150 US plus applicable tax. (Please see Terms of Sale)
She's spunky, you gave her that! What a great painting. Nice inspiration, too!