When I was little I had a stuffed animal dog named Henry. We went everywhere together that was allowed. I could not bring him to church and I could not bring him to school. This is Judah with his good friend Teddy. They are leaving church together. Lucky for both that bears can now go to church. Judah still has to leave him home for kindergarten...I think! Do they allow bears now in Kindergarten?
5.9" x 5.9" / Oil on Panel / 15cm x 15cm

Purchase of this daily painting may be done through contacting my email . Each daily painting is $150 US plus applicable tax. (Please see Terms of Sale)
Your work is so amazing. This makes me want to hug Judah and Teddy both! Even thought this is Judah from behind, you still captured how much love was being felt by him for that bear. This is wonderful.