Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Painting the Figure from Life

This painting is from two classes of Rick Casali's painting class at Maryland Hall. The model is Liz Makowski and she is not only beautiful but she is also one of the funniest and most charming story tellers that I have met. She had the whole class laughing many times and the time flew by! I am so sad that the class is over.


  1. This is a different type of pose. I like how the light source is casting the shadow in front of the subject. Excellent work Christine.

  2. Lovely! Her dress is beautifully painted and you captured her gesture perfectly!

  3. Thanks, Art but I can't take credit for the pose or the lighting. Rick Casali set this up and he has a great eye for figure work!

  4. Hi Linda! Thank you! She was such a great model. I hope that we will be able to have her sit for us again. I did love her dress and her gesture...so much drama!
