This little girl had just that look that shows that children are wise. I don't know what she was thinking but I have a feeling it may have been beyond simple words.
Yes! I finally did a portrait of my very good friend, Art Landry. For years some of my friends would hear my stories of my adventures with Art but they would never meet him so they began to think I was making him up. So here is proof that he exists, Jane! (Can a painting be proof?)
Jared came over for a surprise visit today! I haven't seen him in quite a while so we were very happy that he stopped by on his way to Boston. He did not pose for me but while was on the computer with Alex, I did a quick sketch. It doesn't look like him but Alex says that it is still cool!
This is the road less traveled. Maybe every road in Provincetown could be called that. That's what makes it such a special place. This is the road that leads to the top of High Head. It was very windy and very beautiful as the sun was getting low in the sky. This one is a 9" x 12" so it is not a Daily Painting. It was good to work on something a little larger for a change and very good to have the chance to paint with other much more experienced artists for a week.
This is a watercolor sketch of Christa painting a portrait of me on the beach. While she was painting the Pilgrim tower in the background,
I took a break from modeling and painted this sketch of her. I wanted to buy the painting that she made but it came out too good so she didn't want to sell it. :)
These sunsets have turned out to be a series. The sky changes so fast that choices have to made even more quickly. The wind was cold and gusty so everything had to be clamped or held or steadied. It is like a great game because even when you can't capture it, you learn so much. Even when you loose you win.
I had to paint very fast. The sun went from yellow to orange to the most amazing red. The water changed to reflect all of this and I could not keep up. I was chasing the light as Joanette said. Then I looked up and all the painters were packing up. I knew I would come back but why are the sunsets so fast? I was told to anticipate the color. I will have to paint more sunsets so that I may be able to do that!
My daily painting was of the sunset in Provincetown. I like this little one. It is very much as it was to me. The flecks of seaweed look like seagulls flying in for the night.
This morning we headed out to the same spot where the tilted boat was painted yesterday. Hurricane Earl never hit us leaving us just with the tail end of rain and wind. Today, the day after the storm, was gusty and clear. I had to weigh my easle down with rocks so it would not tip over in the wind. Here are the dingies after the storm. P-town is a great place to paint.
This morning I went out and painted a boat tilted on its side to ready itself for Hurricane Earl. This way, if there is a lot of rain, the water will run off the boat and into the ocean. This is the theory anyway. I will try to got back after the storm and see if this boat made it through.
Provincetown, Massachusetts is on the eastern most tip of the United States. I came here to paint today because two great impressionist painters, Cedric and JoanetteEgeli, are here for the Summer and I wanted to take this chance to paint with them. This was a very quick warm up for getting back to painting outdoors in the special light of Provincetown. It is never easy for me to see light and just paint it. I think that I will try to do several in a row next time.
Just finished the commission of the sailboat in Padanarm Harbor. It was peaceful to paint this beautiful boat on the water. I would love to see it with its sail opened up and moving! It must be very dramatic!
I am always looking for models who are able to sit for me for a few hours. If you would like information on how this works, just e-mail me and ask for information on modelling options at . Thank you.