Monday, September 21, 2009

Hearing a False Rumor

Now the conspirator delivers a false rumor. The woman at the bar listens incredulously. The news is something that she did not want to hear...but she will wait for evidence...this rumor can't be true!

I enjoyed painting our new model, Karrin. I have known her since she was eleven years old and this year she seems to have suddenly turned into a woman! Thanks, Karrin for joining us in this project! I think I will have to make some of these into larger works!

Oil on Panel / 5.9” x 5.9” / 15cm x 15cm

Purchase of this daily painting may be done through contacting my email . Each daily painting is $150 US plus applicable tax. (Please see Terms of Sale)


  1. Awesome. I love the way you positioned your subjects. Beautifully done.

  2. Thanks, Art! I like the composition, too but the colors...If I make a larger painting of this, I will change the color of the bar or maybe just put one of those blue glasses on it. I think it could use a touch of blue there.

  3. I think the colors are fine. But I think you're right, one of those blue glasses would really compliment the image.
